Qualitherm Houses
Our technology for the lightweight buildings on the market is a completely new, high-strength, enhanced energy-saving, highly durable, recyclable building structure.
In addition, they can be assembled easily and quickly, „LEGO-style”, so they can be assembled even by the least experienced. The wall structure of an average one-story (approx. 150 m2 net floor area) family house can be assembled with the work of two people in one week.
The main elements of the structure are the lattice-bearing columns, which not only have the load capacity, but also their rigidity is reduced to the minimum possible by the small surfaces (lattices) connecting the outer and inner sides. The entire wall structure is 31 cm thick, with a „U” value of 0.14 W/m2K with 10 cm external polyester thermal insulation.
The surface treatment of the brackets is done by sintering, so the result of the technology is long service life and high quality.
The simplicity and speed of construction is facilitated by the fact that all the necessary wires in the wall structure can be placed in front of the outer covering without chiseling or drilling, and it is not necessary to make a retaining wall.
Setting up a Qualitherm metal-framed, lightweight building – timelapse
Welding robot
One-story house with exposed beams, built with full ceiling height in the living room
XXII. district
Modern, one-story house with a two-car garage
Mediterranean-style, two-story house
Mediterranean-style one-story house
One-story, with a terrace that can be converted into a winter garden
XVI. district
Two-story, two-apartment modern apartment building
Get in touch!
Please fill out the form if you want to send us a message. Please attach the existing plans.
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